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WORKSHOPS I offer to teach at your studio:

All my workshops are lead in English and last approximately 3 hours with the exception of Sankalpa, which lasts about 4 hours. Students need to have their own yoga mats or other yoga equipment as I don’t carry those with me on the road. It is recommended not to eat heavy meals two hours prior to all workshops.


If you like, I can modify the topic or durance of each workshop or make a special workshop that you wish to have at your studio - just let me know.


I would be also happy to offer a private yoga therapy class (for individuals or couples) if someone wishes to have a one-on-one session or consult a specific physical or psychological issue.



Chakra Yoga - A Treasure at the End of the Rainbow


This workshop is a combination of well-thought-out asana, pranayama, bandha, mudra, kriya and other yogic as well as tantric techniques leading to chakra cleansing and working on topics connected to each chakra on a physical as well as psychological level.



The session starts with deep concentration and breath work so everyone can get settled in their bodies and minds and the practice then continues in a rather slower and fluent pace, spending enough time with each asana and posture and feel its effect. The practice is light but strong and therefore suitable for intermediate as well as beginner students of yoga.


The flow of the workshop moves from one chakra and its aspects and contents to another and is crowned by a final deep relaxation, chakra visualization and meditation. 

Embedding Your Heart - the Landscape of Emotions


This workshop in fully concentrated on the topic of Anahat - Heart chakra and its opening and flexibility. We will explore the mobility and expansion of our chest and its position in relationship to the rest of the body - especially hips and loin. The loin can be moved only between 5 to 15 degrees, a flexible chest can move up to 50 degrees. However, the most important aspect is to move the loin and the chest in mutual spiral coordination.



Your Heart


Nowadays, the Heart chakra is a very loaded area of our body and soul - our lives are busy as we need to multitask work, family, relationships and also our free time. We often jump from one relationship to another, every second marriage ends in a divorce and even when the husband and wife stay together, you rarely see a harmonious relationship.

Therefore, it is high time that we dedicate some of our own healing energy to our own heart and work on our emotional body, so we can be at peace with ourselves and find a truthful way to others. This workshop is an ideal opportunity to look at our heart chakra balance, our capability to give and to receive and to breathe through some old burden we no longer need to carry or hide in our chest and heart.


This workshops is suitable to all categories of yogic students.



20 Minutes a Day - a Short Yoga Practice to Harmonize Your Day


Yoga can mean something totally different for a sadhu from India, and American businessman or a European office worker. However, all of us can find a piece of ourselves in it. In this workshop I offer the gifts of yoga from a modern European point of view.


Workshop 20 minutes a day is suitable for students who feel attracted by the beauty of yoga but have the feeling they don’t have time to practice during their ordinary day. I will take you through an elaborate yoga sequence that will gently harmonize your body and mind in 20 minutes and you can continue with your daily activities with



20 minutes - that’s a coffee break, a moment of internet browsing, switching TV channels in the evening or an opportunity to dedicate some time to yourself and your inner process. If you are attracted by the last option, this workshop is ideal for you.


To practice yoga doesn’t mean to climb a mountain once in two weeks, it means to climb one contour line of Mt. Everest every day. You can get a map to this track and take it home with you after this workshop. We will also spend some time with mind cleansing techniques that are a great companion on this road. At the end we will relax the whole body and mind in Yoga Nidra.


20 minutes a day is a workshop convenient especially to beginner students of yoga.



Sankalpa - Yoga as an Inner Aim


Do you visit yoga classes once or twice a week yet feel it is not enough for you? Let’s find and start to concentrate on our Sankalpa - an inner aim which is always true for us and motivates us in our practice. Let’s remind ourselves about what is truly important to us.


Are you interested in how to combine ancient eastern techniques with the current pace of western civilization? Let’s do a downright yoga practice and explore the world beyond asana too - the basis of yogic lifestyle, yoga philosophy, breath work, bodily locks, meditation etc. Maybe we will discover that yoga doesn’t have to mean to sweat on yoga mat for an hour every day. Maybe we will discover that yoga can mean more than what we have read in books.


This workshop will help you find an activate you inner aim Sankalpa and lead you to feel it in your body and mind so that you can keep the right focus and yogic practice that is the best for you. It will lead you to sense your aim in every part of your being and help you find more about yourself.


Sankalpa is a workshop suitable mostly for intermediate students of yoga.


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